Tim: This is Manfred, and like several previous acts (and no doubt many future ones) he’s come direct from YouTube; apparently he’s been working on this for over six months.
Tom: A 4K music video! That might be the first one we’ve ever seen.
Tim: Hmm. I guess the good thing about having a sizeable pre-built fan base (in his case, a couple of hundred thousand) is that you don’t necessarily need a massive song to make your mark – that is of course also the bad thing, because if you rely on that you might come out with a track that’s about okay, slightly catchy but can best be described as “this’ll do”.
Tom: Or could otherwise be described as “the verses from George Michael’s Faith with a much worse chorus”.
Tim: Let’s honest: that’s basically what’s happened here, and quite how six months was spent on this I’ve no idea. That should, in theory, make it about 13,000 times as good as Writing’s On The Wall; while that was a truly awful track (I still stand by every syllable of my 500 word tirade), this isn’t that massive amount better.
Tom: It’s pleasant enough, I guess, but it’s not singable, and not all that interesting.
Tim: Sure, there’s a bit of catchiness, but if six months gets us this, I’m really wondering how he’ll fill the album he’s got coming out soon.