Tim: This has been suggested to us twice, both times anonymously (not sure what to make of that), with one describing it as “Miami Vice with Puppets”. Intrigued?
Tim: And it’s an interesting video, certainly, and not a bad song to boot.
Tom: That cyan and hot pink 80s style is really in vogue right now, and I’m not sure it ever was during the actual 80s.
Tim: Well musically it’s certainly different from back then. The beginning of it almost put me off, and I’m still not keen on the instrumentation underneath the verses, but I’m glad I stuck with it because that chorus is really very enjoyable indeed.
Tom: I agree with you, apart from the bit where you say how enjoyable the chorus is. Which, when I look back on it, means I don’t really like the song at all. Ah.
Tim: Hmm.
Tom: One of the troubles with this format we’ve got, Tim, is that “growers” don’t get a fair shot. This might be a grower: but I’m not going to hit replay to find out.
Tim: Bit of a shame, because I really do like that chorus. I don’t really know what they’re going for with the video, to be honest, or how it fits in with anything else about the song at all, but why complain? Songs are mostly for listening to, and I’m mostly happy doing that.