Tim: We both enjoyed Isle of You’s debut, so I had decent expectations; those expectations weren’t enough to stop an audible gasp of joy a second after pressing play.
Tom: I actually said “bloody hell!” out loud when I heard that.
Tim: And I’m not remotely surprised, because you know what that is? That there is S Club 7 right at the top of their game, and I’m not just saying that because the instrumental under the chorus reminds me very much of another song that I can’t place right now, but that similarly flows into Bring It All Back.
Tom: I’m not quite sure at ‘top of their game’ — come on, this is no Reach — but it’s certainly up there.
Tim: The mood is fun, even a tad silly with some of the lyrics (walking into a door, LOL!).
Tom: Mm, the lyrics do actually take it down a notch for me. (“Finger dan- finger dance”?) And quite what they mean by Mindcrime I’ve no idea, despite them trying to explain it in the video description — and that talky bit in the middle bit is just cringeworthy.
Tim: Well yes, there are faults but really, I haven’t just enjoyed a song so much in a while – there have been great songs, but not like this just to sit back and think “yeah, this is fun”. Really, really fun, and I can’t think of a better word to describe it.