Tim: Yes, it’s a Swede called Frans but don’t worry, it isn’t him off that Eurovision dirge. Instead, he’s off Swedish Idol from a couple of years back, and here’s his debut.
Tom: Ah, it’s good to see the 90s design of bright neon colours and multiple fonts coming back. Wait, did I say good? I meant terrible. Anyway, the music.
Tim: Mmm, and I’d say that’s a decent enough first outing. Admittedly, there’s not much going on verse-wise, but the chorus drop was big enough to bring my attention back to it, and then hang around, which is certainly what a chorus ought to do.
Tom: It is a good chorus, isn’t it? Interesting distortion effects (or possibly just deliberate clipping) on the chorus vocals, which for once seem to fit the style rather than immediately making me turn off. I find myself wanting the rest to be that good, although at least the verse doesn’t drop down to nothing.
Tim: Style is good as well, and it’s showing a nice vocal range and talent – I’ll have this for now, with the hope of a proper belter up next.