Tim: According to Wikipedia, Joakim also goes by the name Jockiboi and is a fairly prolific YouTuber; he’s branching out a bit, so here’s a dance track.
Tom: Based on your paragraph there, Tim, I did not expect this track to be any good. But… it is.
Tim: Isn’t it? For me, that hits quite a lot of the necessary buttons. Nice vocals, good melody, and even the twiddles and twirls, beeps and boops in the chorus sound good.
Tom: Right! Sure, it’s got the modern EDM overcompression problem, but those staccato synth pads mean it almost fits. Every part’s audible.
Tim: In fact, I’ve only really got one problem with it, which it that it finishes too early. Two verse/chorus pairings for a decent tune is just not right, so sort it out.