Tim: Lorde’s back! And sounding very good!
Tim: Funnily enough, just as I started writing this it got sent to us by our reader, who described it as “very Robyn-esque”; not sure I entirely see the resemblance, although maybe if Robyn actually PUT OUT ANY PROPER MUSIC AT SOME POINT GET ON WITH IT PLEASE then it might be.
Tom: Specifically, that introduction verse sounds a bit like the chorus of Dancing On My Own.
Tim: Absent any new Robyn stuff, though, it’s still very enjoyable – elements of a whole lot of good things, such as a toned down Icona Pop and a very on point Ellie Goulding, and really just a whole lot of good Lorde.
Tom: I see what you did there. You’re right, though: she’s got a unique voice that means she couldn’t be replaced by just another session singer, and while the production stays in comfortable territory, that’s not really a problem.
Tim: Great vocals, great chorus, great everything, really. Great track.