Tim: A new artist from Sweden, and within a couple of seconds of pressing play I was already thinking, “ooh, this’ll do me nicely”. Have a lyric video, which as we shall discover is possibly a misguided choice.
Tim: You see the thing with lyric videos is that, by their very nature, they draw your attention to the lyrics. And when your entire song consists of a metaphor that starts out fairly well but eventually ends up comparing ex-boyfriends to mixtapes, that might not be an ideal outcome.
Having said that, though, that’s all I really have to complain about with this song.
Tom: I really like the verses; I really like the builds that they’ve got going on. But the choruses really aren’t my sort of thing — and I’m surprised they’re yours.
Tim: Really? Because my initial reaction of ‘this’ll do me nicely’ was entirely borne out musically, as he’s got a decent voice and the sound’s exactly my type of thing, so overall I’ll give this a thumbs up.
Tom: Good heavens, how times have changed. I remember you complaining so much about this type of sound — both the dubstep influences, and the overcompressed synths. I agree there’s nothing wrong with them; I would have just preferred something a bit more traditional in the choruses given everything that led into them.
Tim: Hmm. You saying that prompted me to listen again to the choruses to see what I’d missed – and yes, I guess there are influences there, but so very minor that they work very well with the rest.
It’s just – well, could they not at least have updated ‘mixtape’ to ‘playlist’?