Tim: Since we’re apparently just discussing songs for key change reasons, as with Eternal last week, I’ll put this on the table. Now, it’s well known by people who pay attention that key changes are really quite a no go in Eurovision, and have been for quite some time.
Tom: It’s still joyful when it happens, but yes: it’s like 128bpm.
Tim: That didn’t stop Belgium in 2000, though, who decided to play with the format. Guys, it’s time for some musical theory. You see, your standard key change: a semitone. Brings some life in, doesn’t sound too ridiculous. If you want to push the boat out, Linda Bengtzing-style, you might double that and go with a full tone. Sounds ludicrous, but guaranteed to bring an enormous smile/yell of disgust.
Belgium went with six semitones.
Tom: Good grief, that is very 2000, isn’t it? All it needs is a record scratch sound effect.
Tim: Yes. And what with that and it sounding like two completely different songs pushed together: it came dead last.