Saturday Reject: Arnar Jónsson & Rakel Pálsdóttir – Again


Tim: Last week, I said that I wanted a Eurovision track to make me feel something other than lethargy. This one does. Eventually.

Tim: And it’s very much the eventually that is the key word there. This song spends a full three quarters of its running time almost willing me to go to sleep, as if it’s realised that yep, the time is now to head to the toilet or the kettle.

Tom: Don’t get those two confused, Tim.

Tim: Thanks for the tip. I think no, though, I’ll give it a bit of time to see if it improves, and I’ll wait a minute or so, at least until the end of the first chorus, or maybe until the middle eight gets going (or, in this case, completely fails to). But soon, I’ll think “sod this” and get up off my sofa.

Tom: It is definitely a builder — and with some very promising parts in it — but it’s also a very slow one.

Tim: Way, way too slow, because having left it that late, I’ll then entirely miss the good bit. The 45 seconds of this three minute song that is actually worth hearing. And that would be a real shame. So, I guess the moral here is, if you’re going to have a good bit at the end, either be really awful at the start so people go quickly, or just be good all the way through. I know which I’d prefer.

Tom: “Don’t bore us, get to the chorus” is still good advice.

Tim: And never more than here.