Tim: This got sent in by our reader Gavi, who thinks that “the Tim will love it”, and I couldn’t possibly ignore that.
Tom: And the Tom, as always, will be generally unimpressed and ambivalent, as the Tom is with 99% of music.
Tim: The perfect man to write a music blog, then.
Tim: Hmm, although actually…well, I suppose it’s alright.
Tom: I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect to see young Wallace Shaun smoking in the back of a car as part of a modern music video, so there’s that. But apart from that? I guess I’m unimpressed and ambivalent.
Tim: It’s about a guy who has all the belongings he needs but no-one to share it with, and now I know that I’m trying my hardest not to feel slightly offended, however close to home that may cut.
Tom: I don’t know, that sounds pretty good. I means you don’t have to share your stuff.
Tim: Fair point, I guess. And it’s a decent enough track – energy, production, vocals, can’t really fault them – but love it? Not quite that far.
Tom: Also, I’m fairly sure he’s singing “I’m a duffer” repeatedly.