Taylor Swift – Gorgeous

“It has an enjoyable chorus”

Tim: I described Look What You Made Me Do as ‘bloody awful’; you weren’t as down on it but did express hope that further stuff wouldn’t be quite so dark. With due trepidation, then…

Tim: And, well, it’s still not as happy and upbeat as previously (as, of course, we must remember that that Taylor is DEAD), but, surprisingly, I actually quite like that.

Tom: Wait, really? It’s okay, I guess — and to be fair, Look What You Made Me Do has been a grower for me — but apart from the pre-chorus, this didn’t connect with me at all. Why do you like it?

Tim: Partly because right now there’s a slight personal connection – someone at work recently demonstrated a complete lack of etiquette in the ‘buying a drink’ department and now it’s over before it started – but also because the melody’s not unpleasant, it has an enjoyable chorus and she’s actually displaying her vocal talents.

Tom: Yes, she’s got a recognisable voice — one that couldn’t be replaced with just any session singer — but it’s still not as good as… well, basically anything off the last album.

Tim: Oh, that’s very very true – but given that previously described limit, this is actually pretty good. Surprisingly.