Tim: New one off GRANT, whose first track we both had a good amount of appreciation for; here’s hoping this’ll be the same.
Tim: It’s certainly got a good amount of appreciation from me, because a very large part of this is absolutely lovely. It’s a tad peculiar, split as it is into three distinct varieties: the verses primarily percussion based, the chorus largely string based, and then there’s that other bit.
Tom: At least the other bit stands out. The rest is all a bit bland for me: pleasant, but I’m damned if I can remember it. It is, as you say, very much a song of three parts.
Tim: The first two are fine, and they alone would make an absolutely lovely song. That other bit, though…I’m really not sure about.
Tom: I do not know what’s going on in that post-chorus. I just… huh. Strong stereo pan, odd harmonies. My brain’s intrigued, but I’m not sure I actually like it.
Tim: I don’t dislike it – I can think of many other songs I like that have very similar parts, and it’s not like it turns me off here. It’s just – it doesn’t half stand out, as a sudden shock of electro synths amongst an otherwise entirely symphonic track. Weird. I still like it, but it’s weird.