Tim: Now, thanks to one particular romantic TV show, I’ve started watching proper TV recently, with adverts and everything.
Tom: Event television is still popular, and when all your friends are talking about it online and in real-time, sometimes it’s necessary.
Tim: And there’s one single that’s getting advertised a lot, slightly weirdly. Because BACK IN MY DAY, tracks were advertised as “the number one hit” or “platinum-selling”. Not really, like this one is, as “as heard on the Sony Bravia OLED TV advert”.
Tim: Good LORD, I’m fairly sure that’s by far and away the most obscure reference ever made on this side. Good work.
Tim: Good song, though. And, now I’ve looked it up, not a bad advert. I’m thinking I need a new TV, Tom. Do I need a new TV?
Tom: No.
Tim: I need a new TV.