Tim: A year ago we featured a track by 2 Blyga Läppar & Drängarna; two weeks ago we had a track by 2 Blyga Läppar, and so now it’s only really fair that we feature a solo Drängarna song. And I’m no Nostradamus, but I nonetheless feel confident in saying this: within three seconds of pressing the play button, you’ll have a massive grin on your face.
Tom: I mean, yes, although admittedly I had my palm on my forehead at the same time. An entire song about what is, in translation, the local country fair. I wouldn’t have expected anything else.
Tim: Like yesterday, it saddens me that there are no lyrics online, and again for one single reason: what on earth does it mean when it sounds like “music can breathe so blinky winky blow you”? Aside from that, though: not one single complaint.
Tom: Right. While we’re dealing with… I don’t know what genre you call it, but let’s go with “less respected music”, it’s interesting to compare this to yesterday. Neither of these is going to win any music awards, but this just holds together a lot better. No self-aggrandizement, no grating rhymes, no comedy sound effects.
Tim: Oh, I absolutely won’t disagree with this being better than yesterday. Just for one thing, the key change here is nicely telegraphed, not hidden away – more or less shouting out a big “LOOK AT ME I’M OVER HERE!”. Fortunately, and pleasingly, so is absolutely everything else, from the crowd noise to the violins and everything in between. It’s a fabulous track, this. It really is.