Tim: Brash, rude and a rather messy video: nope, it’s not a presidential news story from 18 months ago, it’s Sigrid’s latest track.
Tim: How often does it happen, Tom? Two people meet each other, but the timing’s not quite right. You’ve just found someone new, or been through a messy breakup, or given birth, or who knows? Sigrid doesn’t care, though, because when she and her new squeeze hit it off, they really hit it off.
Tom: I was expecting this to be a gripe about two people who are trying to have some sort of relationship, but their diaries mean they have to schedule everything a minimum of three weeks in advance. Maybe that’s just a London problem.
Tim: Like I said, it’s brash and it’s rude but it gets the point across, which plenty of nice wo-oahs going on to accompany it.
Tom: There are lot of things that should grate in here — the samples, the repetition, the whoops, and that middle eight. But somehow it doesn’t.
Tim: I don’t really know if I like this or not – I think I do, and I guess I’ve happily listened to it several times already, so that probably counts for something. Call it six out of ten.