Theoz – Atmosfär

“No, I didn’t expect to be getting on a Russ Abbot tangent today, but here we are.”

Tim: Theoz is Swedish and, I’m sorry to have to tell you, just 15 years old. But here you go, enjoy it anyway.

Tom: Does he love a party with a happy atmosfär?

Tim: That’s…good lord, that’s an obscure and weird reference. But sure, maybe?

Tom: Huh. Actually, I guess he does. Different meaning of the lyrics now I’ve translated them: it’s about “entering your atmosphere” rather than just being a party song, but he went with vaguely the same cadence on the chorus and that’s close enough for me.

Tim: First off: this track’s great. It’s really got me going after an irritating couple of days, with its energy, pacing, genre, melody and more.

Tom: Pity about the whistling, really. I can see why you’d find it catchy, but it’s just irritating me about the same as Russ Abbot’s track did. No, I didn’t expect to be getting on a Russ Abbot tangent today, but here we are.

Tim: Here we are indeed, it seems. But this song, OH, that melody. Specifically, the part that starts with the ‘Du vänder dig’ through to ‘en hasting black’. It reminds me so much of another song, but I can’t place it, and even more annoyingly I’m fairly sure it’s a Swedish one so I’ve absolutely no idea what lyrics to search for. Don’t suppose you’ve any idea, do you?

Tom: Try this.

Tim: No. No, not that.