Tim: Alan Walker has a new one out with A$AP Rocky right now, and sadly it’s utter garbage.
Tom: Which is an achievement, given you’ve previously said “as long as Alan had full control of everything there’s only so much that could really go wrong”.
Tim: Well, that one’s equal billing, I still stand by it. In any case, this is quite Walker-y.
Tom: That verse is a bit Ellie Goulding, isn’t it? Not massively, but just enough in vocal quality, production and style of synths.
Tim: We’ve featured NOTD previously, though not Shy Martin; she’s also Swedish, and previously has mainly kept herself busy with writing. Together they provide a nice melody, good vocals, top production, and a total and expected lack of middle eight.
Tom: Not sure about the Alan comparison though: guitar wasn’t exactly a common thing for him to include.
Tim: True, but it certainly shares a lot of the same synth sounds and patterns. It’ll do nicely, either way – certainly better than Alan’s new trash.