Tom: Most of Britain would know her as “Louise off Strictly” or “Jamie Redknapp’s ex-wife”, but here, those are descriptions that’d prompt lowered expectations. If I introduce her as that, you’ll assume I’m setting you up for another terrible celebrity ego/cash-in single.
Tim: Well, yes, but people who know her only as that are absolutely not the sort of people who we want reading this website. Let’s have a better introduction, please.
Tom: Okay: Louise, formerly of Eternal.
Tim: Thank you.
Tom: This is actually the third single off the new album. No, I had no idea either. It’s a mystery to me why that album will be released in January, in the doldrums after Christmas: surely it would have been better pitched as a perfect present for kids to buy their Strictly-watching mums? Or maybe I’m still stuck in the pre-streaming era of marketing.
Tim: Quite possibly, as times do change. But to the music: I was aware of the comeback, though I’d never actually got round to listening to the tracks. I’m now thinking that was a mistake, because this is really good!
Tom: I’m sure I’ve heard some of the various components of this before, although that’s more that it’s been inspired by the same gospel music that hundreds of other tracks have.
Tim: Probably. Pop is pop, genre is genre, inspirations are worldwide.
Tom: For some reason, though, this actually made me a little bit happier. Mark it down, Tim: I actually had some sort of an emotional reaction to a track that we’re talking about here. That’s basically a small miracle.
Tim: Blimey. That really is.