Tim: There is a moment not far into this lyric video which made me let out one single yelp of laughter. Press play and don’t read ahead until you’ve got to it, spoilers and all that.
Tom: They’ve got a green-screen and they’re not afraid to use it. They should be, but they’re not.
Tim: Now, we’ve said before how fun it is that Germany provides a market for ageing men to keep putting out bangers well into their dotage, but seeing this (with knowing nothing about them beforehand) does make me wonder if we should, at some point, just take their hands and say “okay, hun, okay. You’re done now.”
Tom: Perhaps, but then we’d miss out on moments like this.
Tim: Because, oh that’s not a good look – two old guys (69 & 71, since you’re probably wondering) singing slightly creepily over an Alice Deejay-esque dance beat, one of them strumming an acoustic guitar (why exactly?) and the other vaguely moving his arms in time to the music.
Tom: I can tell you why: because they’ve been going for fifty years. They were quite different back then, and with those trumpets you can hear why they went with “Amigos”. The album title translates as “50 Years: Our Hits From Back Then”, and it’s a remix album. The original (which is as recent as 2010) sounds much more like you’d expect, complete with default mock-pass synth pads and what sounds a lot like a default Casio beat behind it.
Tim: Part of me’s impressed, mind, as it seems actual Germany is all for it: for the past decade they’ve had one new album out every year, and every year it’s gone to number one.
Tom: That’s because purchasing an album, in this decade, is something done either for or by older folks. This is, to be fair, quite impressive.
Tim: True, I guess, but another part of me still just thinks: oh, no.