Eirik Lyng & Stina Talling – En Gang Til

“It has no business whatsoever being quite as upbeat and happy as it is, really.”

Tim: He’s Norwegian, as is she and the song; lyrics are basically “the relationship was shit, but now it’s over I’m just bored, shall we get back together?”

Tom: A lovely upbeat message, then.

Tim: And with that message, it has no business whatsoever being quite as upbeat and happy as it is, really.

Tom: Mmf. It’s okay, I guess, but I can’t remember a single bit of it once it’s finished. It just sort of flowed in the background, never really raising any problems, but never standing out either.

Tim: I’m not complaining, mind, as I’ll typically take a happy sounding song over a mopey one, and in any case I’m saving my complaints for that ridiculous gap in the video and the even more ridiculous choice of hairstyle he’s gone with.

Tom: That is a ridiculous gap in the video. I feel it’d be hypocritical for me to talk about his hair.

Tim: Since neither of those are actually present in the song itself, though, I’m fairly happy with it. Nice one.