The Naked and Famous – Bury Us

“You see the cyclist and you know with absolute certainty what’s about to happen next.”

Tim: “Hey, I remember that band name from ages ago, what was the song they had?” you may well be asking, because that’s exactly what I thought.

Tom: I have no memory of them whatsoever!

Tim: Fair enough, but the answer is the really very good 2010 hit Young Blood. That’s not important right now, though, as here’s one of my favourite music videos in quite some time; watch it fully before continuing.

Tom: I… am not sold on the music video. Although fair play for the “What” subtitle gag, it’s an old one but it still works.

Tim: I don’t know which moment in there is my favourite: when you see the cyclist and you know with absolute certainty what’s about to happen next, or his face after the runner’s had a heart attack with the very definite “right, I guess that happened” look. Either way, that’s a great video, and I would like more like it please. Also nice: the song itself.

Tom: I’ll say this much: I could hum the chorus after one listen. It’s not bad.

Tim: It’s no Young Blood, but it’s in a very similar style and one I’d happily listen to multiple times. Have done, in fact.