Bob Sinclar feat. OMI – I’m On My Way

“I know exactly what this is going to sound like”

Tom: I saw that pair of artists, and thought “I know exactly what this is going to sound like”.

Tom: And, yes, the style’s roughly what I expected: Sinclar’s tropical style and OMI’s vocals. I’d file this under ‘generic forgettable summer track’ if it wasn’t for one thing: what on earth were they thinking with those brass stabs in the instrumental part of chorus?

Tim: Really? I have no problem whatsoever with those as at all. It’s an instrument, it fits in – generally helps it along the lines of a “hey Disney, if you’re thinking about doing a new version of Simba’s Pride, want to consider us?”

Tom: I’m not enough of a music producer to say with authority what’s happening there, but it sounds like a sample of a muted trumpet, just with a very slow attack? Whatever it is, my ears find it genuinely unpleasant to listen to.

Tim: Huh, fair enough. Maybe they’re not ready for a Disney soundtrack after all.