Magnus Carlsson – My Freedom

“Fancy hearing the official 2020 Stockholm Pride song?”

Tim: Fancy hearing the official 2020 Stockholm Pride song?

Tom: The way this format works, I don’t think I have a choice.

Tim: Oh, and isn’t that just great?

Tom: Yes, although that’s mostly because a load of compositional clichés on top of each other. There’s even a double-clap every sixteen beats in some parts! I don’t think that’s a bad thing here, mind — for this, you want a big shouty singalong song without surprises. They even put fake crowd-noise claps in when they’re coming back from the middle eight.

Tim: The fire alarm went off in my building at three o’clock this morning and I was stuck outside for an hour so I was all grumpy until I heard this, but BLIMEY am I now feeling good, because I’m fairly sure this has the potential to be a proper anthem in years to come. Thumping Eurodance beat, YES. Lyrics about knowing who he is, loving who he wants, YES. Callbacks to multiple song of his in the second verse, WHY NOT. Pleasing key change, ABSOLUTELY.

Tom: It arrives, it does the job well, and it leaves. Couldn’t reasonably ask for more.

Tim: And to be honest, I think that’s all I want from a song like this. Oh, except for an even bigger beat on it, which WHAT DO YOU KNOW is available via a SoundFactory remix on your local streaming service. Marvellous.