Tim: Summer’s here, in theory, so let’s have a dance track from these lads, shall we? Title translates to “what did you say were called?”, to be sung bleary-eyed the morning after.
Tom: Classy.
Tim: As ever, potty language dotted throughout.
Tim: And there it is, an entirely typical Samir & Viktor track.
Tom: This is the point, it turns out, where I switch over from “well, at least that’s endearingly enthusiastic” to just being grumpy at them.
Tim: Will they ever get bored of their schtick, the old pretending-to-sing-but-it’s-basically-drunken-yelling stuck over a dance backing with a bit of brass? Probably not. Does it matter? Absolutely and entirely not.
Tom: The track sounds like a cheap rip-off of Basshunter. The video’s animation looks like an Ikea instruction sheet. The message of the song is LADS LADS LADS. They really are the knock-off cheap version of Jedward, aren’t they?
Tim: God knows I couldn’t listen to an album of the stuff, but getting a new shouty dance track once or twice a year is kind of a tradition, really, and I wouldn’t dream of wanting to stop it.