Aili – Find Me

“It’s safe to say there’s some inspiration there.”

Tim: Today’s observation: it’s remarkable how few tracks an artist may need to irrevocably claim a sound as theirs. Take Kygo: he had Firestone, followed it up with Stole The Show and then became synonymous with tropical house. Avicii dropped Wake Me Up and immediately owned farmhouse. Alan Walker, now, has only had two tracks, and yet…

Tom: …and yet the first video that YouTube suggests after this one is the same artist’s cover of Faded. It’s safe to say there’s some inspiration there.

Tim: Oh, undoubtedly. Dance beat that’s taking the lead but isn’t too overbearing, breathy female vocal, that particular synth patch in place of what might otherwise be a piano, then a build into a chorus with all the twiddling of knobs that’s immediately evocative of Mr Walker.

Tom: Fnarr. You’re right, though, although the song itself isn’t quite up to standard. I can’t remember a damn thing about it once it’s gone. It does sound like Alan Walker, though.

Tim: And that’s no bad thing – certainly not for me, as I love the sound, and I’m a big fan now of this track – but I can’t help wondering if every track like this will be compared to him, or if someone else will be equally notable with the sound.