Tim: Summer is coming, no doubt bringing with it a fair number of vaguely enjoyable but largely nondescript dance tracks. Presented here for your vague enjoyment, a song about exactly that.
Tim: So, let’s GET GOING and NOT STOP for at least the next, ooh, four or five months? Then it’ll be probably time for the northern sun to go down and all of us dancers to crawl back into our shells and calm down a bit, because apparently the main them for this year’s partygoers will be TORTOISES, which sounds quite fun, if not particularly exciting.
Tom: Y’know…
Tim: You may be thinking “why is Tim somewhat lazily just picking flaws in the song’s lyrics, just as he did yesterday? Has he got nothing much to say about the tune or the production or the vocals of this song?” Well, to I say “read my first sentence again.”
Tom: I was wondering that, because I’m wondering why you’re not hearing what I’m hearing. This sounds like a modern Kylie track to me. It’s good. There’s that same vocal quality and production, and as nondescript summer tracks go — well, yes, it’s not a floorfiller, it’s a Kylie album track at best, but it’s a cut above the normal stuff, surely?
Tim: Yes, I’m probably being a bit unfair on it. It is indeed sunny outside, so let’s feel that vibe, enjoy the mellow moments and DANCE to the big moments.