Tim: You may remember Anton Ewald; he’s back after a while off, and has ditched his surname, because why not? Video note: nothing technically naughty, but it’s fairly graphic, and a tad disturbing, so I wouldn’t watch it at work, or with your parents in the room.
Tim: And that’s decent enough, more or less – I can’t shake the feeling, though, that more effort was put into the video than into the actual track.
Tom: Apart from the bit where it just appears to be him dancing with four men who’ve just left the office, yes.
Tim: The first time I played it I was too entranced by the video to pay much attention to the music; the second time and as I’m listening to it now… ehh.
Tom: You’re absolutely right: switching between the tab with the video and the tab where I’m writing this, I find I’m much more interested in the video than the song.
Tim: I’ll happily listen to it, sure (though I’m not that keen on whatever vocal effect they’ve put on him), but only really as a background track. Really, I’m just not as engrossed by it as I think the video thinks I should be. PRIORITIES PLEASE.