Tim: Right, I’m sorry that yesterday’s track entirely spoiled your festive spirit; let me make it up to you with this.
Tom: Well, that is one sparkly video. Not many men can pull off a sequinned jacket, but he manages it. Shame aside from the product placement, which is a bit odd: just stick the logo on the drum, it’ll do.
Tim: Yeah – it’s also very much a “look what I can do!” video, which a lot of the time I’d find annoying. But WELL DONE YOU, have an extra present.
Tom: He is managing to be utterly unconvincing on every one of those instruments, though.
Tim: Good point, I’ll take my present back. He’ll just have to stick with the crateloads of Neuro he’s probably already got.
Tom: As for the music…
Tim: Isn’t it just lovely? Slightly understated, you might say, as there’s no moment when it all kicks off and goes full jingle-tastic, but the chorus sounds wonderful with all the brass. What I particularly like is that pretty much every lyric has its own bit of Christmas, be it Christmas lights, mistletoe, tree or just Christmas singing, and you’re left with a feeling that he’s basically gone through all of Christmas and picked out as much as he can – hell, he’s even finished it off with a load of fa-la-las (which, fortunately, stop before they generate Hey Jude-level amounts of annoyance).
Tom: Agreed. It’s no full-on Darlene Love spectacular, but it’s a perfectly pleasant Christmassy song. Yes, that’ll do nicely.
Tim: Basically, this is Christmas all wrapped up for you, and I sincerely hope this improves your festivity levels.
Tom: It does. Merry Christmas, Tim.