Tim: New single to tie in with a 5th November launch of their new EP Lifelines for you:
Tom: Ooh, now that’s very nice indeed.
Tim: Isn’t it just? And that video is the first time I’ve ever thought “why isn’t there more crime in the world?” Because if a young vigilante crime-fighter from Cambridge has nothing better to do than eat ice-cream and go bowling, I think that’s a crying shame.
Tom: Hey, don’t knock British superhero crimefighting. There’s always internet classic Brummie Baywatch, one of the few pre-YouTube viral videos.
Tim: Oh, I’m not knocking it at all – I’m just a bit sad that there doesn’t seem to be any actual crime to fight.
I’ve no idea what a frustrated would-be superhero has to do with one bloke being fairly sure that his partner is having trouble putting up with him, mind, but I’ve long ago given up on the concept of music videos having anything to do with the actual songs, so I’m just enjoying it.
Tom: It is an odd choice: normally this’d be intercut with something of the singers, at least so the fans can identify them. Ditching them entirely for a somewhat odd concept video is a brave choice.
Tim: The point is, it’s great music and a wonderful video. Full marks.
Tom: Yep, no arguments there.