Tim: Recently at work someone said something that came out in a slightly more offensive manner than he’d planned; anyway, it made me think of this glorious one-hit wonder from 2008.
Tom: That’s a heck of a sentence there, Tim.
Tim: There’s a proper video that’s got nobility and cheerleaders and a plot with a ghost and stuff in it, but it’s not available outside America, so well done for that everyone. It’s a marvellous song, though, wherever you happen to be, with it’s lovely mesh of synthpop and indie rock that appeared with them and Metro Station but disappointingly didn’t hang around for long.
Tom: And it’s actually one that I downloaded, although for the life of me I don’t know why: years later, it just seems to grate on me.
Tim: WHAAAAAT? We have a tune that kicks off hard right from the start, a message we can all get behind with an oddly-appropriate somewhat whiny vocal, and a hook that’s as memorable and catchy as all the best are. Six years on, I still love this song.
Tom: That “one, two, three” into the chorus is pretty good, I suppose? It’s moderately catchy? It all just seems a bit vaguely embarrassing, though, like a part of my student life that I don’t want to remember.
Tim: I say one-hit wonder; a new track Origami got plonked on YouTube at the beginning of the month, and it’s not bad. It’s not a patch on this, though.