Tim: Causes, a Netherlands based band, who…
Tom: Are covering East 17?
Tim: Again, the wrong option you’ve jumped in with. No, it’s a new song, and to find out more you can just read the video.
Tom: Well, that’s a really irritating video.
Tim: It is slightly distracting, yes, as I was paying so much attention to reading their story that I had to go back to remind myself what the track was like.
Tom: Yep, background tab right away.
Tim: Fortunately, re-listening didn’t bother me so much because it’s a damn good track that I’ll happily listen to multiple times. The sound is good from the start, it brings a great happy message (‘let it rain, let it rain, let it rain, before you know it you’ll be dry again’ is a lovely lyric).
Tom: I’m not sure it’s enough, really, but it’s… well, it’s inoffensive. I’ll admit I felt unsatisfied by the ending: despite there being one additional vocal line, that last chorus feels about the same as the first one. Just when it feels like the track might be going somewhere, it stops dead. It didn’t need another chorus, it just needed a bigger final one.
Tim: You might be right there, I suppose, but all in all it just seems…nice. And right now, I’ll take that.