Tim: God only knows why, but Cher Lloyd has actually become somewhat successful over in America – if I had to guess, I’d say it’s because they didn’t see her personality on The X Factor (bit harsh, sorry).
Tom: I had to apologise for Cher Lloyd to an American friend of mine recently. What’s she got this time?
Tim: This, the lead track from her new album.
Tim: And actually, that’s why she’s successful. Isn’t it very Demi Lovato-esque indeed?
Tom: Good grief, yes. And it’s light years away from the dodgy pseudo-rap she’s tried on the past.
Tim: So much so that I do often think it’s going to splurge off into Skyscraper at one point in the chorus. It’s not all that surprising – if you’re going to model yourself after a young female pop star, Demi’s a very good choice, and Cher was a featured artist on a track on Demi’s most recent album.
Tom: Oh! That’s some very good management work indeed.
Tim: What we have here is a vastly more mature track than the previous crap we’ve heard, and much as I’m surprising myself by saying this, I really like it. It’s not quite amazing, but there’s certainly a lot of potential, and it’s actually making me want to listen to her second album when it arrives in a month. I’m surprised, but I’m definitely not disappointed.