Cherrie – Samma Flagga

“The video description describes this as a ‘ny banger hit’ and I really hope that’s a loanword.”

Tim: Cherrie’s off Sweden, currently in the run up to releasing her third album, and here’s the first track in that run.

Tom: The video description describes this as a “ny banger hit” and I really hope that’s a loanword.

Tom: Pity it’s not an accurate loanword, though. This certainly has some good ingredients, but somehow they just don’t seem to add up to much. It’s a bad sign when I check the progress bar on the video, less than two minutes in, and I’m disappointed that it’s not even half way through yet.

Tim: I managed to last a bit longer before checking, but yeah, aside from that I’m not entirely sold on it. It’s not bad, per se, as you’re right that it has some good ingredients, but it doesn’t really do much with them.

Tom: The chorus is just two notes, back-and-forth. It even repeats the same syllables. The rest of the song just isn’t exciting enough to pull that off.


Tom: Yep.