Devon Seven – The Real One

“Kitchen knife raised and waiting to be plunged.”

Tom: Landed in the inbox, this is “150bpm rave-pop” from Denmark, so take a minutes to get you glowsticks out, then press play below.

Tim: And, erm, yeah. Quite something.

Tom: There’s a lot of bass synth there. Possibly too much? I think that might get close to a brown note if it was played out of club speakers.

Tim: Now, I can’t be certain, but I think – I *think* – she’s trying to tell us something about being the real one, and, if it didn’t sound quite so desperate I’d almost believe her. As it is, with this intensity and level of repetition, I can’t really help but imagine her as the ex-girlfriend who’s thirty seconds away from watching the ex and his new love going at it, kitchen knife raised and waiting to be plunged.

Tom: Right. That said, that level of repetition is about normal for the genre, so I can’t ding it too many points for that.

Tim: Okay, perhaps not, so then how does it stand out as a rave tune? Well, it ticks the boxes but doesn’t do that much else. It possibly doesn’t help that we don’t feature much in this neighbourhood, so the good stuff is all I have to compare it to, but can’t help being disappointed that this has a lot of untapped potential.

Tom: I sometimes listen to music like this as a background for working — and yep, that pretty much sums it up. Weirdly, the verses sound much better than the choruses to me: that odd octave and vocal timbre really do start to grate.

Tim: Well, there’s an EP out soon, so I guess we’ll see if that potential ever comes to something.