Tim: This track comes in to us from Charlie, who also co-wrote it. I do like it when people own up to sending their own tracks in — occasionally we get folks pretending they’re fans of their own work, and it’s always a bit awkward.
Tom: “Let me show you what undressing’s about.” Hmm. Now, I was going to write “that’s clunky as hell and the clothing metaphor gets old”, but on second listen my brain finally worked out that “wearing you out” could be about something other than sex and I forgave it.
Tim: Yes, those lyrics can be okay, but the rest of it – I’m going with 60% listenable and 40% annoying. The chorus is decent enough (and a nicely executed key change), but the verses, early middle eight and pre-chorus don’t have much for me to focus on aside from the straight-from-2009 autotune, which is just unpleasant.
Tom: Despite some ridiculous clichés in the video — forget the dancer’s head, let’s just focus just on her body! — it’s well produced, and whoever scouted the locations deserves a pay rise. That mountaintop is gorgeous. And, presumably, very cold for someone who’s only in two layers of clothing. Which is a bit ironic, given the whole clothing metaphor thing.
Tim: Can’t disagree with, well any of that.
Tom: All that said: cracking key change, decent production for what seems to be an indie release, almost certainly not going to be number one but a more than respectable showing for something that hasn’t been through Stargate Studios and its ilk.
Tim: Yeah, I’ll stick with that. Lose the autotune and I might even be enthusiastic about it.