Fanny – Come To Me

Hold on, hold on. “Fanny”?

Tim: This lady is previously of Play…

Tom: Hold on, hold on. “Fanny”?

Tim: Fanny, yes.

Tom: I know it’s a proper name and all that, but it means different quaintly amusing things in the US and the UK. If you’re going to try and make your stage name one word, surely you’d pick a different one?

Tim: You know, I was going to try to find out what her real name was, but then I figured that typing ‘fanny play’ into Google probably wouldn’t give me the results I was looking for.

Tom: In the interests of science, I checked. It pointed me at a 1932 play called “Fanny” by Marcel Pagnol. Disappointingly accurate results, there.

Tim: Oh. Oh well. Anyway, Play did the delightful Destiny that we featured a while back. Disappointingly, this is entirely different.

Tim: Is this a bit dull? From the start, yes, and indeed for at least the first two thirds.

Tom: It’s got an excellent intro. Sadly, that intro lasts about two minutes.

Tim: Sure, it builds up a little bit forty seconds from the end, but not nearly enough to qualify as exciting. If I’m being honest I wouldn’t have bothered bringing this up at all if I wasn’t immature enough to find her name a bit funny. Especially at the seventeen second mark.

Tom: Heh. “Fanny.”

Tim: So now that’s done, next please.