Tom: You’ll have heard everything in this song before, Tim, in a hundred other songs that sound like it. But what a chorus.
Tim: That is a chorus. And yes, that’s is all familiar.
Tom: You’ve even seen the diner in the video before, because pretty much everyone who needs a generic diner set in the Los Angeles area goes there.
And yes, this is from 2012; it sounds like a mash up of every other female-led Christina Perri-alike with a good voice that came along that year. Although there do appear to be Christmas bells in the final chorus, which is an interesting choice.
Tim: Well, only three months to go. That reminds me, must start hunting around for some Christmas flashbacks – suggestions always welcome (though I’ve already got a stormer lined up for Christmas Eve).
Tom: Already? Blimey. Anyway: like I said, what a chorus.