Saturday Flashback: Haloo Helsinki! – Huuda!

Tim: Exclamation marks!

Tom: Yes! And if you couldn’t tell from the band name, these guys are Finnish. Before you press play, though, I’ll let you know that on most occasions, if I got pointed to this I’d likely spend at most twenty seconds listening, think “what a racket” and then switch off. Don’t do that.

Tom: I wasn’t convinced until that pre-chorus, which was delightful; I suspect you’re a fan of the chorus?

Tim: Absolutely. The verses can, quite clearly and accurately, be described as a racket, but the rest is something else – the chorus is pure pop, albeit slightly aggressive, and the lovely descending post-chorus is delightful. And speaking of delightful, the lyrics: ‘huuda’ means ‘shout’, the pre-chorus is also about changing the world for the better, and the chorus itself goes something along the lines of ‘shout for joy, shout for freedom, etc.’ All jolly lovely.

Tom: Shame about the middle eight, where it all falls apart for a bit – going SHOUTY and then all quiet.

Tim: Yes, although speaking of that quiet bit, there’s a new track, Vapaus käteen jää, which is similarly quieter and rather pleasant to listen to; it doesn’t really sound anything like the rest of this so check it out, why don’t you.