Tim: Jannike, a Finn who brings us this, a fairly upbeat ballad. For those that aren’t aware, as I wasn’t until I looked them up: the ‘seven emotions’ are nothing to do with Brad Pitt but are anger, fear, disgust, contempt, joy, sadness and surprise; with that knowledge, enjoy.
Tim: Now, wanting to see that makes for a song with a message that, to be honest, I’m not sure I can ever remember hearing before: not liking that a relationship’s all good, and wanting to bring out the negativities just to test it. “I know it’s crazy but it’s true” – perhaps, yes, but I suppose there’s a decent case to be made, which she’s going for.
Tom: I’m all for unconventional messages in songs, as long as they vaguely make sense. And I guess this does.
Tim: I think so. It’s got to be said, as well, that she’s doing a decent job of making that case – vocals are all on point, and there’s some wonderful instrumentation going on in the background: piano, drums, cello, guitar, it’s all there, and sounding absolutely lovely.
Tom: The composition here’s pretty damn good, too. It almost seems to be taking some cues from the country-music Standard Songbook, wonderfully backed up by some unexpected strings and a proper band rather than just synths.
Tim: So, the emotions this brings out in me? A bit of surprise, small amount of sadness, maybe, but mostly a whole lot of joy. WINNING.