Naughty Boy feat. Joe Jonas – One Chance to Dance

Tim: Last week of the year, shall we have a game of Tracks We’ve Missed? This one’s from the beginning of November, one I’ve only just heard but kind of wish I’d heard sooner. Because it’s quite good.

Tom: Huh. I’m surprised I’ve missed that. Oddly, though, I think the introduction and first verse are the strongest part. I haven’t got tired of that overly-repetitive sample yet, and the vocals really stand out.

Oddly, I liked this less on second listen — but it did get a second listen, so it’s a cut above your normal pop track.

Tim: After all, you’ve got Naughty Boy’s production skills, Joe Jonas’s vocal skills, and a song with a very decent beat that’s all about dancing, ostensibly at least.

Tom: Well, yes, technically it is…

Tim: There may be some deeper meaning in there about something or other, but on top of everything, and going by the video, this is a song about Person A wanting to get with Person B by vaguely impressing them, and choosing the medium of dance. And as anyone who’s seen me dancing will know, that’s a medium I can very much get behind. Lovely.

Joe Jonas – Just In Love

Gone straight from “pure and honest” to “creepy and stubbly”

Tom: For anyone who was wondering how long the Jonas Brothers ‘purity ring’ image would last: it’s now officially gone.

Tom: Unfortunately, he appears to have gone straight from “pure and honest” to “creepy and stubbly”.

Tim: Well, he’s not actually broken it – I mean, so far they’re just getting a bit snuggly, and, oh, actually, no they’re fumbling in the club bathroom now, but still it’s not necessarily– oh, yeah now they’re, now they’re in bed. Okay, you win.

Tom: The video’s all unexpectedly arty. You’ll notice the requisite ‘stop people ripping the track from YouTube’ sound-effect break in there, as well. I assume his fans won’t give a damn about either, but for the uninitiated he does look a bit like a wannabe Enrique Iglesias.

As for the music: well, it seems to be entirely forgettable. No doubt the fans will buy it, and it’ll get enough airplay, but I don’t see anyone singing the hook from this into their hairbrush.

Tim: Given the general meh-ness of your writings, and given that you suggested this, I wish to put forth a theory that you only wanted to feature this so you could point out that that oh-we’re-such-good-boys image had failed.

Tom: Well, if Disney hadn’t put so much effort into it…

Tim: Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine.