Saturday Reject: Kate Hall – I’m Not Alone

Tim: Our final trip to Denmark, and it’s not a million miles away from Daze, the first one we looked at three months back.

Tim: It’s slightly toned down, but it more than makes up for that with both the smoke and wind machines turned up so high that by the end of it she looks like she’s in the middle of a tornado and you want her to put her Death Eater cape back on so she doesn’t catch a cold.

Tom: Bloody hell, the staging went over the top with that. They do like their constantly-dropping spotlights, don’t they? It’s like someone put a one-second clip of the X Factor results night on repeat.

Tim: Yes, and the good second. The one second out of the whole hour that isn’t interminably dull.

And while I said slightly toned down above, that’s a bit like saying something’s slightly quieter than a Boeing 747. It’s still got a ridiculous amount of everything to it, and in a very laudable manner. The spotlights that fall in the chorus and just keep coming, row after row after row in an eternity of joy. The exploding fireworks factory in the background. The endless howling over the closing choruses.

Tom: She’s pretty much going for her own key change there, even if the rest of the song isn’t.

Tim: It’s all just marvellous.