Tim: Happy fifth birthday, Tom! To celebrate, here’s a song from a Finnish duo that’s partially awful, but I need clarification about something. Is this lyric what I think it is?
Tom: “Seen my penis so you think you know me?” Yep, I think that’s it. And “partially awful” is about right. That’s the worst introduction I’ve heard in a while.
Tim: So whenever they’re singing, it’s actually pretty good. When there’s no-one singing, it’s alright, and when there’s that male vocal doing something or other I just want to hurl my speakers out of the window, but that’s by the by.
Tom: There’s some really lovely elements in here: the synths in the second half, and the ethereal sample in the middle, are wonderful. The melody’s not bad too.
Tim: I’ve no idea what the letters in their name stand for, but again, that’s by the by. What we’re really focussing on is the lyrics. They’re about “the vibes of a generation that is doing everything and nothing at the same time.”
Tom: Ugh. Yes, that’s good in theory, but in practice what you’ve got is something that’ll be dated just months later, and which sounds kludgy as all hell in the here and now.
Tim: Possibly, though they continue more generically: “It’s about life online, Berlin and procrastinating versus getting shit done.” That all makes sense, with mentions of wasting your day on TV binges, delivery food, wasting money on drugs and, yep, dick pics. The sort of stuff that’d come out a grumpy old person’s mouth to get me in an “oh, shut up” bad mood, really, but somehow when they’re singing it’s less irritating, mainly because: that’s a damn fine chorus, so who cares about moralising when you can just enjoy the music?
Tom: You can’t make a good song with just a chorus, and this isn’t a good song — but there’s potential here.