Lili & Susie – Would You Be Mine

“Could be said to descend into a bit of a mess, but I rather like it.”

Tim: Pop greats of yesteryear arriving and sounding entirely 2014; not Kylie’s new single, which we’ll get to when I can find a link that hangs around long enough, but Lili & Susie. Have a listen to this.

Tom: Crikey, that comes in hard.

Tim: HA – JUST LIKE YOactually let’s keep this grown up. Yeah, it certainly gets going quickly, and at times, particularly the middle eight, it could be said to descend into a bit of a mess, but to be perfectly honest I rather like this, for a floor-thumping heavy beat electro tune.

Tom: Agreed: I think I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic if it hadn’t been for that opening — it was enough to get me through the first verse and into that chorus. And in particular, that odd down note before the chorus, and that first line, both of which are just glorious.

Tim: Right – it isn’t just floor thumping and beat heavy, it’s got melodic and emotive vocals, a nice instrumental line every now and again and, well, actually those are the two good things that stop it being just a bit tedious. But those are there, and the chorus in particular combines those and is properly great.

Tom: I can only agree.

Tim: Good. Well done everyone.

Lili & Susie feat. Diamond Dogs – Bailamor

Let’s treat ourselves to a good bit of euphoric trance.

Tim: It really is the season now for a good bit of euphoric trance, so let’s treat ourselves.

Tim: You could just dismiss this as the usual sort of stuff that’s generally to be found in the middle of Now That’s What I Call The Trance Annual 2011, or alternatively you could really enjoy it, like I do.

Tom: There’s no reason I can’t do both. And while it hits every item on the euphoric vocal trance checklist, it’s not particularly hard – if it weren’t for those synths in the background, this’d just be regular schlager.

Tim: Admittedly, there’s not a huge amount to write about it, largely because it is the sort of stuff that’s what I said earlier, but I suppose that just leaves more time to listen to it.

The video looks like them rehearsing for a big performance, which is good, as long as they’ve got one coming up. Otherwise it’s just a bit sad.

Tom: It’s actually just their regular morning routine. FACT.

Lili & Susie – Kom Och Ta Oss

Energetic, danceable, vibrant – generally everything a good piece of schlager should be.

Tim: These two sisters have been going for well over twenty years now, although they’re not producing much these days – their last was Show Me Heaven in Melodifestivalen a couple of years back; now, they bring us this.

Tim: Lyrically, I have no idea what this is all about, although the title – which translates to ‘Come and Find Me’ – suggests it’s some sort of game of Hide and Seek; having said that, the song seems a bit loud to be singing in that situation so it’s probably not that.

Tom: I’m clearly a bit immature, because I’m hearing the title as “Come And Toss” every time they sing it. I’ll set that aside.

Tim: Yeah, I think that would be best. So, we’re stuck judging the music alone, and that’s not a bad thing, really, since the music’s quite good.

Tom: It’s a bit anthemic, isn’t it? There’s a hell of a lot going on, and that’s not a bad thing.

Tim: Certainly isn’t. The voices hold up nicely, and the blokes joining in at the end add a bit of gravity, should you feel that’s what it needs.

Tom: I’m not even sure it counts as schlager – yes, it’s three minutes long and from Scandinavia, but you couldn’t call this bubblegum pop by any means.

Tim: Ah, but the non-vocal part is energetic, danceable, vibrant – generally everything a good piece of schlager should be. And that is, after all, what we are here to celebrate.