Tim: Line and Basim, two contestants from Denmark’s X Factor in years gone by, and now teaming up to release a duet.
Tim: If I know Danish I would be properly singing along to this, I can tell you. There’s something about the lovely almost orchestral backing to it that seems to give it (for me at least) a strange ‘get involved’ vibe to it, which I like.
Tom: That’s odd: it seemed almost cold to me, and certainly not a singalong track. Emotional, sure; but even if I knew the language I can’t see myself belting this one out in the shower.
Tim: It’s about how the singer loves the other person but knows there’s something wrong in the relationship – ‘Brænder Inde’ translates as ‘Burning Inside’, because that’s the pain that the knowledge is causing, you see – and it works well for that.
Tom: I’m agreed with you there, though. The tone is right – it just doesn’t, well, “grab” me.
Tim: Hmm, fair enough. There’s a nice mix of love and disappointment in there (not that I generally find love nice when it’s mixed with disappointment, mind, but here it’s nice), and it really seems to come out towards the end when they’re both singing together. I like this.