Tim: This was anonymously suggested following our occasional “unconventional messages” theme, and, well, it certainly fits the bill.
Tim: Certainly takes a fair amount of guts to start a song off with “Murder lives forever and so does war”, and even more to spend the next 4 and a bit minutes denigrating the entire human race. It was never released as a single because, well, even if it’s true it’s hardly a message people are likely to rush out and pay to be told. On the other hand: it’s not an unenjoyable track, and after a few listens it’s actually quite catchy, so I’m happy with it.
Tom: It’s a grower, isn’t it? Mind you, a lot of that album is: I remember really disliking it on first listen, but hearing it back months later I can still remember the melodies. I still don’t like it — but I can remember it, and that’s a start.