Tom: The Third Bloke from Take That — they are, in modern order, Gary, Robbie, Mark, Jason and The Other One — has a new solo album. And here’s the single.
Tom: It’s one of those songs that tries to straddle the realms of both Pop and Art with both its music and video. And it’s… well, it’s OK, I guess? It’s the kind of downbeat pop that it’s difficult to fit into a format like ours: we’re set up around Big Key Changes and Pop Moments.
Tim: Hmm. Safe to say there’s not much of either of those to go around. Chorus is nice, though.
Tom: There’s certainly the Big Instrumentation here, but minor-key guitar’s always a difficult sell to the public. (And that odd prononciation of Ver-ti-go won’t help with the pedants.) The fans may well like it, though–
Tim: Fans? Really?
Tom: –and as a solo artist he’s got a bigger leg-up than most.