Tim: Galavant, a Swedish pair; Mary Jame Smith, of Swedish singing duo Smith & Thell who we’ve covered a couple of times. This here’s new track, suitably BANGING for a Friday, and it’s the extended mix so you won’t miss much of note if you skip the first minute.
Tom: Oh man, that is a hell of a one-minute build, though, even if it’s a bit disappointing when it ends.
Tim: Much as with yesterday’s track, I’m a little stuck about what to write here. Not because I find it generic, because I really don’t, but because I’m not really sure where to start. Or if I can sit down still long enough to actually type about it.
Tom: How about: YES. That is how you do full-on dance music, people.
Tim: Because this a proper banger of a CHOON, needing to be spelt that way because it really is. Lyrically there’s basically nothing to it, aside from the dreamy promise of another where everything’s amazing, and really with all that’s going on here I have no trouble believing that.
Tom: Agreed. I was full-on chair-dancing by the second minute.
Tim: It’s one of the best dance tracks we’ve had, at least so far this year, and as I write this I’m about to start packing to go on holiday, and I’m not sure I can think of a better accompaniment. BRILLIANT.