Tom: Yesterday, a video that looked convincingly like the 1980s. Today, we’re off — just as convincingly — to the 1960s.
Tim: So, the bit around 1:33 when he hit the wall suddenly made me think of Kylo Ren, and now I really really want to see an alternate ending of The Force Awakens.
Tom: A good song, to me, is one that I find myself singing the chorus after I’ve listened to it — and not being annoyed by it, but going back and playing it again. By that measure, this succeeds perfectly.
Tim: I played it again, but mostly so I could concentrate on the song without being engrossed in the video.
Tom: I think it’s a bit too repetitive — is there even a verse in there? If there is, I can’t remember it — but it’s a good song, paired with a really lovely video. Once again, it’s a video that convinces me the song’s better than it is, but I’m still reasonably happy with this.
Tim: Yeah, and weirdly, the video bears no relation to the song at all, really – sure, there’s an element of being unsure in there, but that’s as far as it goes. I really like the video; sadly, I’m somewhat ambivalent about the song.