Tom: An anonymous reader sends this in, but says absolutely nothing about it. I reckon it might win the award for “most depressing chorus lyrics”.
Tom: Everything about the music here says ‘hopeful’ and ‘uplifting’, and then… then there’s the lyrics.
Tim: Yes, those lyrics…
Tom: “Smile, the worst is yet to come.” “Tell me I’m special when you spit at me.” “I want to be lonely.” These aren’t good lyrics. They don’t even make sense. Not that making sense has ever been a requirement for pop lyrics, but these seem to actively not make sense.
Tim: They are weird, and I’ve spent a good five minutes reading them and trying to figure out, but I can’t really reconcile them with the music at all. But who cares? That middle eight, just for starters, is wonderful, whatever the lyrics are.
Tom: Yep. It’s all a bit of a shame, because the music’s lovely: anthemic, singalong, and uplifting. Provided you listen to an instrumental version.
Tim: Oh yes, that would be nice, if possible.