Tim: So here’s some typically melancholy electropop for you, from Sweden, and it’s the title track of Naomi’s debut EP.
Tom: Strong, almost MGMT-like beat on there. That’s pretty good.
Tim: I have a lot of time for the chorus on this, which is nice because to be honest the rest leaves me feeling a bit cold.
Tom: I can see how you have that reaction, but it worked fairly well — perhaps, again, because it sounded like MGMT at first glance.
Tim: In fact, I was all ready to give up on it by the time we got halfway through the first verse, but then the lovely chorus came along and suddenly made things alright again. It’s arguably a bit too long, with the primary culprit being that middle eight, somewhat tedious as it is. On the other hand, when that lovely chorus comes back in and gets swaying all over the place I can’t help but somewhat forgive it.